Dear Fellow Devotees of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, I created this blog specifically for all of us who are in dire need of Our Lady's help. I wanted a site where petition letters can be posted so that we may all pray for them together. Thanksgiving letters are also welcome because these will be a source of encouragement for us who are still coping with our respective problems and worries.You may add your petitions or thanksgiving on the "COMMENTS" link found on each day. Of course, any stories related to Our Lady of Perpetual Help are most welcome. I will try to e-mail this blog to the Rector of her Shrine in Rome so that they will remember us in their masses and prayers. Let us all turn to our Good Mother who we know always listens to us and presents our petitions to her Son.

Friday, March 23, 2007

A History Part I: Our Lady arrives in Rome

The story of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is full of mystery, adventure and of course, of miracles. Much of what we know about her was taken from an old plaque in St. Matthew's in Rome dated March, 1499. It is in this church that she found her first home in the West.

The plaque begins to describe that she enjoyed veneration in the Island of Crete for several years. Crete is the largest of the Greek Islands and the fifth largest in the Mediterranean Sea. Even then, the icon had a reputation for being miraculous and it is perhaps this reputation that a merchant decided to steal it from the sanctuary. Some believe that he wanted to save the icon from profanation by the invading Turks, but the document simply stated the he stole it. He was scheduled to set sail for Rome and he hid the icon among his belongings. While out at sea, a great storm befell upon the ship and the crew thought their end was near. They begged for God's mercy to save them not knowing that a miraculous icon was in their midst. God heard their pleas and spared them from destruction. They finally landed in Rome with the icon carefully tucked away in the merchant's wares...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Devotee,

Thank you so much for creating a blog such as this. I pray that it reaches the ones in need and may they find this as one way to offer their thanksgiving and supplications to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

May you be blessed as well as you keep up with the 'numerous' devotees such as yourself that will flock this site.