Dear Fellow Devotees of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, I created this blog specifically for all of us who are in dire need of Our Lady's help. I wanted a site where petition letters can be posted so that we may all pray for them together. Thanksgiving letters are also welcome because these will be a source of encouragement for us who are still coping with our respective problems and worries.You may add your petitions or thanksgiving on the "COMMENTS" link found on each day. Of course, any stories related to Our Lady of Perpetual Help are most welcome. I will try to e-mail this blog to the Rector of her Shrine in Rome so that they will remember us in their masses and prayers. Let us all turn to our Good Mother who we know always listens to us and presents our petitions to her Son.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22, 2007


Anonymous said...

Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

I need your help with regards to my status here in the USA. I hope and pray to you that all obstacles to my obtaining a permanent residency will be overcome. There are so many things that can go wrong but I am trusting in you that you will finish what you have started. Please pray for me to your Son. Thank you

Chris said...

hello anonymous. I will include you in my prayers to the our Mother.

Have faith, He always fulfills His promises.